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The Great Space Debate: Rolling Versus Folding

One of the most highly debated clothing storage topics is rolling versus folding. Many people may not know the rolling technique and may think that folding is the only solution. Others, who have discovered rolling, believe it’s the only solution.

For everyone, packing is a big hassle and with the holidays approaching, you need as little hassle as possible. While both options have their positives and negatives, we decided to try both techniques! Here is what happened.

We packed the following items, starting with the folding method:

  • 1 light jacket
  • 3 t-shirts
  • 1 sweatshirt
  • 2 pairs of jeans
  • 2 sweaters
  • 1 pair of workout pants
  • 1 pair of ankle boots
  • 1 necessities bag
  • 1 pair of socks

In the picture below, you will see what happened when we placed all the items in a duffel bag using the folding method:

As you can probably tell, the amount of room left was very minimal. We had to force the necessities bag into the duffel as it was being zipped up.

We then took the clothing out and began filling it using the rolling method. We used the same items for both methods.

Here are the results from the rolling method. There was a noticeable amount of room left over and it took no extra force to zip the duffel bag.

Conclusion: According to this test run, the rolling method saves additional room. Rolling clothing also reduces the amount of creases compared to the folding method.

With winter in full swing, you will have to pack bulkier items, so any extra space will reduce those packing frustrations and we hope this guide helped.

Give us a call today at (270) 441-2305Also, make sure to like us on Facebook! We’d love to be a part of your next home renovation project!

Contact Steve Dannenmueller, the Authority on Shutters, Blinds, & Closets.

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