It’s early on a workday morning. Your alarm goes off three times before you begrudgingly get out of bed. You shower and prepare for your day, but when you head to the closet you can’t find a thing to wear! You try out several outfits before settling for whatever you’re wearing when you see how close you’re cutting it, getting out of the house and to work on time. You grab your purse and run out the door, leaving your lip balm and phone the nightstand…
We’ve all had those mornings when nothing’s where it should be from the start, and frustration ensues. Luckily, morning disorganization is relatively easy to conquer. Try out these few closet organization hacks to make your morning easier. Pair them with a good night’s sleep and you’re golden!
Pick out your outfits ahead of time.
If you can, knock out outfits for your entire week, all at once.
It’s a lot easier to put things together on the weekend when you’re not dealing with the morning time crunch.
If you’re feeling crafty, make dividers to separate each day’s outfit.
Make your drawers easier to navigate.
Use PVC pipe or Christmas ornament dividers inside your drawers to organize things like socks, underwear, or leggings.
It’ll cut that extra bit of stress out of your day if you don’t have to go hunting for what you need!

Hang your tank tops or undershirts all in one place.
Tie hangers are great for this purpose.
It frees up drawer space, saves you folding time, and makes it easy to find the right color or style.
Make use of shelf dividers to keep stacks of pants, shirts, and sweaters neat and orderly.
Consider hanging your shelves upside down—the brackets become built-in dividers.

Get a purse organizer.
If you routinely carry a purse FULL of things you feel lost without, a purse organizer might be a worthwhile investment.
You can keep your essentials together all the time, and easily switch from one purse to another without leaving anything behind.
We know this isn’t technically a closet organization tip, but it’s a gem! Here’s a great purse organizer option from mochithings.

If you own your home, consider investing in a professionally designed and installed closet. DIY solutions can be wonderful—we’re all for them!—but nothing tops the impact of a professionally-organized space. If you’re ready to take ALL of the closet-related stress out of your mornings, we’re ready to help.
Give us a call today at (270) 441-2305. Also, make sure to like us on Facebook! We’d love to be a part of your next home renovation project!
Contact Steve Dannenmueller, the Authority on Shutters, Blinds, & Closets.