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7 Simple Tips for Organizing Kids Closets

Keeping your kids’ rooms clean and organized is often a big hassle especially for a busy family. Requests for kids to clean up, often leads to items quickly thrown and hidden away in their closets.

But with these seven simple tips your children’s closets will stay neat and tidy.

  1. Organizing your kid’s closet is no different than organizing your own closet. The first step is always taking inventory of the items and planning a design.

  2. Be smart when using your space. Rotate your children’s clothing according to season and go through periodically and find items they have outgrown to give to charity.

  3. Use small baskets, boxes or cubbies without lids to make it easier for kids to find what they’re looking for without making a big mess. Put books and toys on open shelves so they are easy to see and grab. Keep clothing rods to a minimum because it’s easier for kids to store things in drawers.

  4. Label all storage baskets and drawers and use colored-coordinated bins so kids will have fun putting things back before bed each night. Personalize their closet with color, pattern or tie the theme into your child’s interests.

  5. Make smart use of the top of the closet where kids will not be able to reach. Think about things you wouldn’t want them to have access to all the time such as nice clothes or video games.

  6. The most useful closet storage options are the ones that can accommodate growing kids. This includes components that can be moved and rearranged to meet a growing kid’s changing interests.

  7. Try to include your kids in the organizational process, which will teach them basic decluttering skills. Encourage them to tell you how they want to organize their stuff.


Another great option for your kids’ closets is a professionally designed and installed closet from Dannenmueller.

Give us a call today at (270) 441-2305Also, make sure to like us on Facebook! We’d love to be a part of your next home renovation project!

Contact Steve Dannenmueller, the Authority on Shutters, Blinds, & Closets.

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