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5 Steps to an Organized Pantry

Everyone in the family uses the pantry and it can be frustrating trying to find exactly what you want or need. You may put everything away neatly, but the kids may not. So this spring, make it easier on yourself and the kids! Here are 5 steps to an organized pantry, so it will (hopefully) stay that way.

Take Everything Out & Create a Plan:

Ask the kids to help with this step. Have them take everything out of the pantry and teach them how to categorize the items: cereal in one pile, snacks in another pile, canned goods in another.

Once everything is out of the pantry and organized into categories, examine your space again and create a plan for where everything should go.

Think about how often you use those items and where they would be best placed for easy access.

Organize and Label

Now take a look at your plan and decide how everything will best fit into your space.

Is there bulky packaging? Could some of those items be stored in a more convenient container like a basket or jar?

Once you have everything back in the space where you want it, label it.

Create a Kids’ Zone

Woman’s Day suggests creating a kids’ zone in your pantry.

So, when they get home from school, they know exactly what they’re allowed to have.

This should keep them from rifling through the pantry in search of something they can eat…which we all know can quickly lead to a messy and disorganized space.

Let the Family In On Your Method

Keep your organization method simple and let everyone know where things go. You’ll be glad you labeled everything!

When you’re tired after grocery shopping, you can enlist the help of the entire family and feel confident most everything will end up in its proper place.    

Purge Once a Season

Once a season, go through and get rid of everything that has expired. Or, if it’s not expired, but you know you’ll never eat it, then take it to a local shelter.

Don’t forget there are many options to help you organize your kitchen. Learn what Dannenmueller can do for your space.

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