Portrait of a cheerful mid adult woman standing by kitchen counter

5 Reasons Why Kitchen Window Treatments Improve Your Home

For many of us, the kitchen is the most pleasant room in the house. It’s a place where families gather for breakfast in the mornings – the perfect space to enjoy a hot cup of coffee while enjoying a bit of morning sunshine. The kitchen is the best place to use natural light to create a warm, cheerful, cozy ambiance so the day starts right. The windows in your kitchen need the proper treatments to create this kind of atmosphere, and here’s why:


1. A clean window is a happy window.

It’s no surprise that kitchen windows are vulnerable to food stains, cooking oils, dishwater, and other substances that find themselves on everything when you’re finished cooking. By using blinds or shutters to cover your windows, you can easily clean these substances off the window treatment with soapy water and preserve the window behind it.

2. You can maintain privacy, which means you can wear PJs.

Nothing is more awkward than washing the dishes while being forced to stare at your next-door neighbor through an open window. There are times when we like to sit at the breakfast nook in our favorite robes and drink our coffee before getting ready for the day! Therefore, the kitchen should be a safe haven for those times when you just want to eat breakfast in your pajamas. Shades and blinds are the quickest solution for giving you those extra 10 minutes of privacy.

3. You can light up the room, or dim it down.

Sunshine is great when you want to let in the fresh air or brighten up the kitchen for a while. However, it can also be damaging to the interior of your home. In order to protect your cabinets and floors from harmful UVA and UVB rays, turn your shutters or blinds to block out the sun when no one is home to enjoy the light.

4. If you can’t handle the heat, use your blinds.

The warmth of the sunshine glistening into your kitchen is hard to beat, but it can also run up your utility bill. Blinds and shutters really come in handy when you need to keep the air in and the sun out.  Tip: Turn your blinds upward instead of smoothing them down to deflect more heat.

5. They make your kitchen beautiful and unique.

Your kitchen says a lot about your personal style and taste in décor, and your windows are the doors to your domestic landscape. Thus, kitchen window treatments should be viewed as aesthetic accessories that set the mood and tone for your favorite room.

Give us a call today at (270) 441-2305Also, make sure to like us on Facebook! We’d love to be a part of your next home renovation project!

Contact Steve Dannenmueller, the Authority on Shutters, Blinds, & Closets.

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